Plan Your Dream Wedding with Us!
Whether you’re newly engaged or finalizing the details of your special day, this event is your one-stop shop for wedding and event planning inspiration. Join us on Sunday, February 2nd, and discover a variety of wedding and event vendors ready to help bring your vision to life.
Meet talented florists, photographers, planners, DJs, A/V specialists, bridal salons, bakers, officiants, travel agents, and more in the stunning Grand Ballroom at Hotel Gettysburg from 12 PM to 3 PM. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with vendors, gather ideas, and refine the details for your celebration.
Admission Details:
- Brides, grooms, and nearly-wed couples: FREE
- General Admission: $5
Spaces are limited, so be sure to register in advance to secure your spot. We can’t wait to help you plan the day of your dreams!
Register today!